The project


Primary objective of Restarland is the optimization and reduction of CO2 emissions (Carbon Credit), waste reduction (Fiera del Legno), promote and spread renewable energy systems (Agri-voltaic, Agri-solar e Bio-methane), stimulate the repopulation of internal areas (Energy communities, Green Economics).

Restartland is a project promoted by Renewia in line with the principles of the Ecological Transition of the Italian rural heritage. The project idea stems from the concept of Land Management.

The project’s target audience

The project Restartland can be applied to every agricultural reality, in particular to the
following subjects:


Associated farmers

Consortium members farmers

Local public authorities

About us

A network of companies with the common goal of combining business support and partnership strategies with the active promotion of eco-sustainability, protection of the environment and its resources.

Renewia S.p.A., promoter of the network, has signed an agreement with Enel X Italia s.r.l. for the creation of energy communities with the purpose of automatically generate, consume and manage renewable energy.

Our mission:
Green Revolution and ecological transition

RESTART LAND will take care of the implementation and realization of projects for the reforestation, restoration and regeneration of green areas, in order to safeguard and preserve the rural ecosystemic and landscape heritage of Italy.

The project encourages to use sensitive devices and technologies to produce renewable energy, providing environmental, economic and social benefits.

Restart land seeks to be part of the PNRR- Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza- and, in particular of the Mission 2, titled Green Revolution and ecological transition, which is divided into:

  • Circular economy and sustainable agriculture.
  • Renewable energy-hydrogen- network and sustainable mobility
  • Energy efficiency and requalification of buildings
  • Land and water resource protection

Intervention areas of Restart Land for ecological transition
for Ecological Transition

The project aims to tackle employment, demographic and environmental problems through the formation of new professionals
in the agriculture and energy communities sector.

Agricolture 4.0




Energy communities

Sustainable forest management

Do you want to be part of the RestarLand project? Contact us: we will be glad to give you all the information.