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With the brand Place4me, Renewia produces, rents and puts on the market bollards against abusive parking.

Place4me is a device made to ensure the protection of parking areas given to people with disabilities with concession.

It happens too often that these citizens are unable to enter the reserved parking space, in front of their home, because it's illegally occupied by other citizens lacking public spirit

The functioning of the parking bollard it’s extremely simple. It gets installed on the ground in the reserved parking space and ,by a sensor, it verifies the occupation of the area by a motor vehicle, activating a sound signal in presence of unauthorized vehicles.
The alarm goes off when the parking spot is freed by the transgressor or when it's deactivated by the enabled remote control supplied to the holder of the concession.

Place4me was born to support people with disabilities to use the parking space assigned to them, but it can be applied also to other areas, like for example parking areas for loading and unloading of goods, private areas reserved to shared vehicles, areas reserved to taxis or to driveways.